2-5 February 2017, PV: 6pm-8pm 2nd Feb LIGHT BITES EXHIBITION at the Ugly Duck, London
2-5 February 2017, PV: 6pm-8pm 2nd Feb LIGHT BITES EXHIBITION at the Ugly Duck Off Quay, 8th floor, Capstan House. 1 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BA
Please RSVP for the private view to hello@e-luminatestudio.com
Open daily 3rd - 5th February 2017 10-6pm
This will be the last showing of Transforming from Stardust in London for the time being.
The bar will open all evening and all profits will go to Ugly Duck which is kindly hosting the exhibition in their newest space: Off Quay
Light Bites: 12 Artists, 2 Curator, 1 space
The organisers say "We are hoping that it will be the beginning of a fruitful enterprise for Light Art, which will gain a lot of interest, outside of the current popularity for Light Festivals. Currently there is very little in the way of exhibitions or collectable works in this field. There have been some exhibitions, and some works are being bought by larger institutions and museums, but generally Light Art has yet to permeate into a personal collectable field, and we think the artworks on show are suitably collectable and at the forefront of that movement."