Uniting Head, Heart and Hands, Happiness Matters Conference Langley Academy, Friday 14th July 2017 1
Friday, 14 July 2017 from 10:00 to 15:30 Langley Academy, Langley Road, Langley, SL3 7EF Slough
Schools, museums and the wider culture sector can work together to make a real difference to the lives of children and young people. This is the 5th annual Museum Learning Conference to explore: Wellbeing, Achievement, Cultural Capital. You can find out about funding and hear case studies from the Langley Academy Trust and beyond. The conference will be chaired by Lord Bichard. Speakers include: Dr Oona Stannard, Chair of Trustees at The Langley Academy Trust, Mark Londesborough, Associate Director for Creative Learning and Development, RSAJackie Grey, Curve Development Manager, Slough Borough Council, Jane Avison, Heritage Learning Business Manager, Heritage Learning.
In the afternoon you can choose to explore a topic in more depth, including the principles of Museum Learning,
Cultural Education Partnerships, happiness and attainment at Primary and Secondary level.
I will be offering a workshop on: Uniting Head, Heart and Hands - An Interactive Collaboration between the Arts and Museum Learning
Free to attend - to book click on the link - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/happiness-matters-tickets-34133846253